Wednesday 25 March 2015


It's just 2 days left. I've been posting on our Facebook page, this blog... I've read all the messages my team mates have to say to us all. And I was thinking, since I'm writing these almost every day, do I have anymore I have left to say? Well, somehow I do.

As I train with my dearest team mates who have been with me almost every single day, for the past month. Many thoughts come to mind as we're more familiar with our routine and I'm smiling from my heart each time we run now. I can't wait for the day to come, and yet some part of me doesn't want this season's journey together to end...

To my dearest top flyers, my fellow midtiers, my tough bases and my dedicated coach,

In this past week, the belonging to the team feels even stronger..
When the stunt hits, we feel the happiness and satisfaction together. When the stunt fails we feel the frustration together, and the drive to make it better the next time.

To all my fellow flyers; remember that when you fall, we'll be the first one to rush in to catch you. The first one to lend a helping hand. So we gotta do our thing and never ever worry about coming down. All we have to do is to stay up there no matter what. Lets perform without fear and tackle those nerves.

While we demand in ourselves to perform flawlessly, we should never allow the pressure to overwhelm us.

Putting the ideal situation and execution aside, we have to trust that should we make a mistake as an individual, our partners, our team mates will go the extra mile to save that stunt and work harder for all of us.

So NEVER EVER BE THE FIRST TO GIVE UP while your team mates are fighting doubly hard for your share. And never let any situation affect our mind. As cliché as it sounds, mind over body. We're all in this together.


Just like how none of us in this team will ever be fighting alone. For together, we are strong and together, we can overcome anything.

Together, we take flight over gravitational forces.

Nova Flyer, Fearless; Spirited!